Please do not add genAI images to punch up your writing. You might think that it adds a nice little bit of visual pizazz to your content-marketing piece, but what you're actually doing is *making it look like content marketing* rather than a useful resource. To the extent that content marketing is an effective tactic, it is because you build trust with the customer by providing them valuable information. A genAI turd plopped on top of your writing is a signal that it will be worthless slop.
I wonder if linux audiophiles are a thing.
"plain ALSA sounds warmer than pipewire"
"linux kernel compiled with ALSR makes for a more chaotic high end"
"ext2 sounds better than ext4"
Fuji Superia X-tra 400 is very pretty one stop overexposed. Much better than at box speed, to my eye. Too bad it's discontinued, I have just a few rolls left 😔 At least it's a more than zero.
Blog post for Mastodon 4.3 is prepared. There's going to be another beta and then a release candidate next week but then we're good to go. I'm looking forward to concluding that work stream.
Who's ready for the final day of #dota2ti? I think all my predictions turned out wrong.
Slowly getting better at using #darktable to edit my scans. I'm pretty much learing as I go by playing around with things. I think I previously posted this photo somewhere, but I went back to edit again. This was Ilford Ortho Plus 80 in the Canon Rebel 2000. Plastic "nifty fifty" 50/1.8 lens. #believeinfilm #filmphotography